Novità e aggiornamenti

The critical importance of information security within healthcare

Jordi van Duyne and Paul Willems of Doctolib Siilo explain why data security is so crucial and how Doctolib Siilo is leading the way in this regard.

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‘With the knowledge base, I can reassure patients immediately’

Brian Kerssemeijer is a practising GP in Bemmel. Together with three colleagues, he runs a well-oiled practice and has been using the Prisma Platform.
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‘If I want different disciplines to watch along, Prisma is very suitable’

Marlène van der Tang is 56 years old and has been a general practitioner for 25 years. Marlène has also been active on Prisma.
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‘Prisma gives me ideas or confirms my train of thought’

Simone Breed is a GP at Antoniusveld Huisartsen, a group practice with 10,500 patients. She practices as a GP for Urogynaecology and she uses Prisma.
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‘Prisma helps me with situations not reflected in the guidelines’

Saskia Stitzinger is a GP in Hulst. According to her, digitisation is not a solution to all the problems coming our way, but it certainly offers added value.
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‘We do it together!’

How does Marieke Vermeulen-Piepers, GP since 2019 and practice owner in Tiel, use Prisma and what is the added value of the network for her?
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‘I don’t scroll on social media, I scroll on Prisma’.

Adriaan van de Vreede is 31 years old and a practising GP in Middelburg. He and his colleagues are active users of the consultation platform Prisma.
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‘With the answers from Prisma, you are more solid in your advice.’

Liesbeth Verboom (44) is a practising GP in Amersfoort. She enjoys making use of all the digital possibilities available these days, including Prisma.
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‘Reaching multiple specialisms with one case is particularly convenient’

Caroline Nierkens is a practice holding GP in Hoog-Keppel. The practice is leading the way when it comes to digitalisation, with Prisma, among others.
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‘Calling a specialist? Only in sudden situations!’

Tanja Manschot has been a practising GP for 10 years and an enthusiastic user of the consultation network since the early days of Prisma.
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‘It radiates the pleasure of the responders!’

Hugo Hardeman is a GP & practice owner and, together with 5 other GPs, takes care of people in the neighbourhood. A colleague introduced Prisma to him.
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Doctolib joins forces with Siilo to help care teams work together.

Combining the ehealth leader with the largest medical messaging application in Europe will break down barriers in care coordination & enhance patient care outcomes.
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The pharmacy is a caregiver too.

Pharmacist Nikkie Hosseinnia talks about working digitally and what pharmacists contribute to the healthcare process.
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Digital networking: Young doctors join forces via Siilo

They use Siilo to exchange information with colleagues, organise their association activities and continue their education. 
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More than 400 German organisations use Siilo Messenger

Around 73,000 healthcare professionals and more than 400 organisations now communicate via the Siilo network.
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Commerciële messenger apps brengen veiligheid patiëntgegevens in gevaar

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Dublin Dental University Hospital joins Siilo

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Siilo Messenger launches Desktop App for secure messaging throughout cure and care facilities

Siilo for Desktop was built at the request of St Trudo hospital in Flemish Belgium, after the use of Siilo on mobile phones grew significantly in the hospital.
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Médecins Sans Frontières and Siilo join Forces

While our partnership is still in the early stages, we highly appreciate the important role MSF plays in society…
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‘Off-the-shelf’ messaging apps pose huge risks for patient confidentiality and data protection

Digitalisation offers great benefits to the healthcare sector, but it is essential that it truly meets the standards expected within the medical profession.
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Messenger apps and patient confidentiality: what every healthcare professional should know

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General practitioner Mieke Luten: ‘Expedition medicine only works if it is structural’.

Endurance, cycling, nature and adventure: With limited resources at our disposal, we have to make do with what we have.’
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Siilo is Growing

With the New Year still crisp and you hopefully rested after a well deserved break, we welcome you back online to Siilo!
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Siilo denkt aan jullie, onze Healthcare Heroes!

We staan dagelijks in contact met de mensen in de zorg, en doorgaans spreken we samen over mooie ontwikkelingen.
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Digitale vaardigheid in de zorg kan beter

De gedachte is: Hoe eenvoudiger de handeling is, hoe meer een huisarts en specialist zich op de inhoud kan richten. Dat is zo belangrijk als je samen kennis deelt rondom een…
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Streamlined, integrated care at Rivas Care Group

Project lead Bregje van den Heuvel: Many colleagues were already using Siilo. The logical question was: how can we use the app even more efficiently?’
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Streamlined and integrated care at Rivas Caregroup

Project lead Bregje van den Heuvel: Many colleagues were already using Siilo. The logical question was: how can we use the app even more efficiently?’
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10 Ways Siilo Keeps Your Patient Data Secure and Compliant

With the prevalence of messenger apps in clinical settings, it’s more important than ever to keep patient data safe when communicating.
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Feature Update: Delete for all, keep chats, verification

Siilo has a fresh update to include delete-for-all functionality, a way to preserve chat threads, and improvements to verification!
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Renewed Purpose Shapes our 2021 Strategy and New Look

We’ve spent the past few months delving deep into our company brand and story.
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Looking back on Siilo’s growth in 2020

2020 has been a year of incredible struggle and hard-won success.
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Cinque modi per utilizzare le chat di gruppo su Siilo

Explore how you can get most of your group chats with a few examples of how Siilo users are chatting now!
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Voice & Video Calling on Siilo

Collaborate with colleagues via voice or video calling on Siilo Messenger and Siilo Web! Find out how we’ve improved calling for when texting just isn’t enough.
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Siilo auf der DMEA Sparks

Siilo nahm an der DMEA Sparks teil, der größten Digital Health Messe Europas
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Security on Siilo Web

Siilo Web offers the same functionality as the Siilo app, but a few unique features increase its utility and security for desktop-based professionals.
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Siilo featured on Hessischer Rundfunk

German radio station Hessischer Rundfunk featured Siilo’s Sassan Sangsari to discuss how Siilo facilitates efficient communication during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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For Our Nurses

Today on International Nurses Day, we take a moment to reflect on the mission of nurses around the world: to deliver compassion and comfort to their patients.
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Updates for Admins on Siilo Connect

If you’re an organisation admin on Siilo, member management is easier than ever thanks to updates we’ve made to Siilo Connect.
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How Users are Working with Siilo to Address Covid-19

We’ve been featured in Medisch Contact! Marieke van Twillert writes on how Siilo is making a difference for medical professionals now. Translated to English.
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UPDATE: Siilo Profiles on Web have a New Look

Check out how we’ve made to Siilo Profiles so that users can make the best out of the platform. This post relates specifically to changes made on the web app.
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How We’re Staying Up-to-date on COVID-19

We’re doing our part to keep up-to-date on how to stay healthy when tackling the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. Global situation is still evolving, stay vigilant.
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Siilo at DMEA 2020

Siilo is headed to Berlin to attend the DMEA – Think Medical! Act Digital!” conference this April. Come join us and find out how we’re shaping healthcare.
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How Siilo Makes an Impact in Prenatal Care

We know that getting Siilo in the hands of medical professionals is a game-changer for productivity. A recent article in the JMS shows exactly how it works.
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Share the Love with Siilo

Looking for a quick and punny way to show your medical network how much you appreciate them? We’ve got you covered!
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Siilo’s Medical Gift Guide

A wish list is always left by the wayside, but they’re a dream for last-minute shoppers in our lives. We’ve created one for the medical community!
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Celebrating the Unsung Heroes

As the decade comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to appreciate a community that does so much and is spoken about so little: the healthcare community.
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The Promises of 5G Healthcare

5G is on the horizon. We take a look at some of 5G’s promises, the ways it will impact healthcare, and how Siilo is preparing for the new cellular networks.
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Siilo at Web Summit 2019

The Siilo team made its way to Web Summit 2019 along with 70,000+ others. We reflect on why events like this are important for startups like us.
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Preventive Medicine and Digital Hygiene

Early on in our medical careers we watched others taking care of patients and do certain procedures. A lot. We all complained that it takes forever to go out there. After…
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MedTech Innovation: A Key Part of NHS Long Term Plan

The NHS has unveiled a plan this month to extensively invest in MedTech ventures which the NHS can use to improve patient care.
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Pull the Plug on Your Fax Machine in 3 Simple Steps

By March 2020 the NHS has promised to be fax free’ and has already banned NHS organizations from buying fax machines. Can you just pull the plug out of the wall and go…
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Why NHS Guidelines on Mobile Messengers are Flawed

NHS England, NHS Digital, Public Health England and the Department of Health and Social Care have developed a set of guidelines around the use of instant messaging channels…
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Siilo in a Nutshell

Here at Siilo we have a purpose. Our team of software devs are going to change the way healthcare teams communicate. We took a look at today’s healthcare system and thought:…
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Secure by Design: A Case Study

Secure by design thinking would start with the requirement that your system should be properly protected even if the intimate details of its construction are public. The same…
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Checklist GDPR Compliance for Healthcare Messaging Apps

With the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into effect on the 25th of May this year, we get a lot of enquiries these days from healthcare institutions…
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WhatsApp doc: Legal and practical perspectives of using mobile messaging

With General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force in Spring 2018, we explore the legal and practical implications of using mobile messengers in the healthcare…
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200 doctors at your bedside

Since primary care doctors are under such pressure to deliver for a growing and ageing population, they look increasingly to technology to help reduce the burden of work.
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Healthcare challenges require simple IT solutions

Because of security risks, doctors are no longer permitted to use WhatsApp in clinical settings. Healthcare professionals turn to messengers in the first place for their…
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WhatsApp in healthcare: what’s up with end-to-end encryption?

WhatsApp secured their messenger – an effort that was started in 2013 with the help of Moxie Marlinspike. Moxie is the founding father of Signal’s OpenWhisperSystems and his…
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Security is about affection

Strong security is only as strong as the weakest link. So our security policy is based on three main pillars.
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Information vs. Knowledge

Healthcare providers rely on staggering amounts of information to help patients. So in the pre-PDA era, all of that had to be remembered correctly, or you would have to visit…
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