
Setting up Siilo Connect for your Organisation

From the Connect dashboard, manage users, broadcast messages, coordinate groups, and monitor anonymised member activity.

Log in to Siilo Connect

Use the Siilo Messenger app to login.

  1. Go to connect​.siilo​.com.
  2. Scan the QR code with the Siilo app to verify your identity.
  3. You’re in! Now choose your operating language.

View your Admin Dashboard

Track progress in onboarding and towards goals by monitoring anonymised usage statistics regularly.

  1. View the total number of pending invites, members, groups.
  2. View their activity levels.
  3. Export these data into PDF to share.


To help you get started, you can find useful tips at the top of every page within the Dashboard environment.

Coordinate Member Interaction

Find all members that downloaded the app and joined the network in the section​“members”. Create groups to connect departments and teams.

  1. Filter members using custom profile fields (see next video how to make these).
  2. Add all relevant members to a new or existing group.

Curate your Organisation Profiles

Create custom profile fields to improve member search, group creation, and broadcasts.

  1. Create a organisation specific profile field. TIP: to easily filter members, use a​“Dropdown” field type.
  2. Determine who can view this profile field. 

Broadcast via Members or Inbox

Get urgent messages directly to the mobile phones of your members. There are 2 ways to broadcast messages.

  1. Via members, to specified members or filtered members.
  2. Via inbox, to all, specified, or filtered members.

Invite Members to the Network

There are 3 ways to easily onboard all your members into the network:

  1. By email domain name. TIP: Let your Siilo Specialist know what email domain(s) your organisation is using.
  2. By QR code
  3. By individual phone number or email address. TIP: Provide your Siilo Specialist with a list of your employees to upload members in bulk.


Encourage pending members to complete their onboarding process by sending an email reminder.