
Updates for Admins on Siilo Connect

If you’re an organisation admin on Siilo, member management is easier than ever thanks to updates we’ve made to Siilo Connect.

As we continue to grow the largest medical network in Europe, we believe that our organisation and association administrators should have the interface that works best for them. We’ve heard from several Connect Admins who were utilising the Connect Dashboard in creative ways to meet their needs. As a way to extend these creative solutions to benefit all Siilo organisations and associations, we’ve updated the user data display, group creation process, and member management workflow. Learn more about what’s new below!

Improved dashboard

To improve the visual overview of your organisation’s onboarding progress, the home dashboard now displays two new metrics. In addition to the number of active members and number of messages sent, you can now track the overall number of organisation members and the number of active groups. 

In addition, clicking View history” will give you an overview of your organisation per month going back up to two years or the date of account creation.

Organisation groups

Organisation groups specific to departments and teams can help ensure the right people stay connected and informed on relevant topics.

With this update Connect Admins can now create chat groups for members directly from Siilo Connect which can be managed only from within the new Groups page. Any Connect Admin can view all organisation groups, add and remove members, update the group image, and edit the description — no matter who initially created that group. 

Groups will appear as having been created by your organisation, ie. St. Georges Hospital, as opposed to an individual member. Users invited to join the group will receive an invitation from your organisation.

In addition, member curation has been simplified: Whenever you delete a member from the organisation network, they will automatically be removed from all organisation-created groups. Membership in individual-created groups will not be affected.

If you have created a personal group as a Connect Admin and want to transition it to an organisation group, contact your Siilo Specialist or Team Siilo.

Better manage your members

With this update it’s easier to keep your member directory up to date by curating and distributing an exported list of your organisation members. From the Onboarding page, click the Export Members” option in the top right corner of the Pending Members” block, and select All members” to create a list of your entire organisation as a CSV file. Within this exported file, easily add new members, fill in or adjust profile fields, and delete members from your organisation network. Once you’re finished editing the CSV file, send your revised member list to your Siilo Specialist, who will then update your member directory as soon as possible.

Siilo Connect is a great way to improve the communication and collaboration across medical organisations and associations. If you want to learn more about how Siilo Connect can support you and your staff, check out the For Organisations or Crisis Response pages on our website.

As always, we love to hear your feedback for Siilo and how we can help you deliver secure communication solutions for your staff. If you have any suggestions, please email them through to us at info@​siilo.​com.